Dixie Triggers
Mark "Spanky" Stewart
190 Sweetgum Circle
Springfield, Georgia 31329
phone # 912-754-1587
All Sales and Services fees are paid by cash or check. We no longer accept credit/debit cards.
Transfer fees must be paid in CASH.
Dixie Triggers will not accept payments from third parties. Any check or credit card must have the customer's name.
Georgia residents must add 7% sales tax on firearms, parts, accessories, and ammunition. Sales tax is not charged for billed services.
Failed Payment or Fraud
Any check that is returned for non payment, insufficient funds, closed account, or any other reason not paid, or any credit card purchase that is initially approved but later cancelled, contested, or otherwise terminated will be called a failed payment. A credit card purchase that is declined is not considered a failed payment, as the sale will be cancelled in the shop.
Any failed payment will result in a $35.00 charge to the customer. Any fees or costs that occur as a result of a failed payment will be charged to the customer.
If the failed payment occurs after the firearm purchase had been completed and the firearm has left the shop, Dixie Triggers will pursue Federal prosecution related to fraudulent firearms acquisition. ALL information will be turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE), The US Postmaster General, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) and any local law enforcement that has jurisdiction.
Dixie Triggers reserve the right to bring to suit any customers or clients that fail to complete payment.
The owners, associates, and employees will follow ALL the laws set by federal, state, and local governments in regards to the sales of firearms, parts, and ammunition. Any attempt to defraud, conduct illegal activities, or solicit illegal business with Dixie Triggers, our family, or our associates in the shop or off the shop premises shall be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency (FBI, BATFE, GBI, IRS, Effingham County Sheriff's Office) for prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.
Dixie Triggers accepts deposits for future services, repairs, or purchases. The customer will receive a receipt showing the deposit paid. A deposit is required for any special order of firearms or parts.
Abandoned Firearms
Any firearm left for repair or service with Dixie Triggers will be held until paid for in full. Should the customer not pay within 30 days of completion and suitable arrangements for payment have not been made, Dixie Triggers will send a certified letter alerting the customer of the completed work and detailed charges including a $30 late fee. If another 30 days has passed without suitable arrangements for payment being made, the firearm shall be declared abandoned and becomes the sole property of Dixie Triggers.
Partial Payments
Any firearm left at the shop for transfer, purchase, repair or service where the customer has made a partial payment or deposit shall still be considered unpaid and will be held until paid for in full. If the firearm is considered abandoned following shop policy the partial payment is likewise considered abandoned and subject to seizure.
Refunds, exchanges, and returns
There are no refunds, returns, or exchanges without a return authorization. It is up to the buyer to arrange with the seller any refunds, returns, or exchanges.
There are NO refunds, exchanges, or returns on any used, consignment, military surplus items or ammo. These items are sold AS-IS.
Dixie Triggers offers no warranty on firearms purchase through an online retailer. Most firearms manufacturers offer some kind of warranty on their firearm. Dixie Triggers do not back up these warranties with shop services. Any warranty work should be arranged directly with the manufacturer. Dixie Triggers will, for a fee, liaison with the manufacturer for warranty work.
Dixie Triggers offers a limited warranty the work performed on firearms and most parts purchased through Dixie Triggers. Warranty services are only offered after the licensed armorer can certify that defects or damage to the firearm was due to our error or incorrect parts. Warranty services will not be offered if the firearm has been worked on by someone else, abused, or used outside of manufacturer specifications.
Shipping and handling
Shipping and handling costs that Dixie Triggers pay to order firearms, parts, and accessories are considered part of the cost of the item and charged to the customer. Expedited shipping may available at customer's request and will accrue additional cost.
ANY shipments returned or refused shall be charged the restocking fee by Dixie Triggers, in addition to ALL costs incurred from shipping, handling, and return fees. A refund will be issued once these fees have been deducted.
Special orders
All special orders must be paid in full before the firearm, part, or accessory is ordered. Special orders that are cancelled are subject to the restocking fee rules.
Unsafe Firearms
Some manufacturers, in an effort to cut costs, have built firearms that are so cheaply made they can be dangerous to use. Dixie Triggers will have nothing to do with firearms made by: Hi-Point, Jimenez, Jennings, Bryco, Lorcin, Raven, Pheonix, or RG Rohm companies or their derivatives (this list is not exhaustive). Some AR-15s and other lower-end grade firearms are assembled with polymers instead of specified aluminum alloy. We will not work on these firearms as basic disassembly could break the firearm.
If a firearm has been determined to be unsafe, dangerous to operate, or otherwise inoperable, Dixie Triggers will affix an "Unsafe Firearm" tag and required the customer to sign a form stating they understand why the tag was affixed.
Use of Private Property
Customers are welcome to drive on and be present on the private property where Dixie Triggers is located provided that they are there to conduct business with Dixie Triggers during regular shop hours or for a scheduled appointment.
The presence of a retail establishment does not give customers permission to approach the residence, persons, vehicles, animals, or any other structures on the premises other than the business entrance to Dixie Triggers.
Any persons or vehicles on the private property outside of business hours and without a scheduled appointment or persons entering or attempting to enter structures or vehicles on the premises without permission are subject to trespass charges, removal, legal action, or any defensive force the property owner is justified to use.
Customer Firearms in the Shop
Customers are allowed to bring firearms into Dixie Triggers. All handling of firearms on the premises or in the shop should follow basic firearms safety: firearms must always be treated as if they were loaded and firearms must always be pointed in a safe direction. Customers can and will be held liable for any property damage or injuries that occur as a result of their poor firearms handling.
If the customer is wanting service, repair, or other work performed on the firearm we request the firearm arrive on the property unloaded. DO NOT clear firearms on the premises! If a loaded firearm needs to be cleared the customer needs to first announce to the business owner the firearm is loaded, then get permission to draw or remove the firearm from its case. The firearm must then be handed safely to the owner or associate behind the counter for unloading and clearing.
Customers are welcome to carry firearms concealed or open in the shop. DO NOT draw a loaded firearm to show another customer. Common sense firearms safety must be followed at all times while on the premises or in the shop. Customers not following firearm safety will be asked to leave and told not to return. Customers behaving in a threatening manner are subject to forceful defense.