Mark "Spanky" Stewart is a disabled veteran of the United States Coast Guard. He retired as an Aviation Mechanics Technician 1st Class. In the course of his career he served at USCG Airstation Miami, USCG Polar Operations in Mobile, and USCG Airstation Savannah. He deployed on numerous cutters in the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea, the colder waters of the North Atlantic, and the ice of the Arctic and Antarctic aboard Polar Ice Breakers. Spanky has been an avid gun lover and hunter from his youth. He is married and a father of three grown children and grandfather of one. Family values and faith run deep and the works of God's hand can be seen in both Spanky's life and the growth of Dixie Triggers.
Dixie Triggers began in October of 2008. Spanky's physical limitations prevented him from seeking gainful employment after his service in the Coast Guard and the idea of being stuck at home doing nothing was unacceptable. He looked for something that he could do that he was interested in, had experience in, was fun, and could make a few dollars doing. After considering many business opportunities he settled on a gun shop. Ballots with fix names were passed around to family members and Dixie Triggers won the vote.
Over the years Dixie Triggers has grown both in experience and size. At first the operation was a "kitchen top FFL" stealing closet and table space away from Spanky's wife. Then Dixie Triggers moved to the barn with 300sqft of retail and office space. During the summer of 2012 Dixie Triggers expanded again, adding a gunsmith and full service repair shop with all the machines and tools required.
We at Dixie Triggers look forward to doing business with you. We strive to keep a small shop mentality that allows us to spend time with each of our valued customers. The shop is built for people to come in and talk about firearms. Dixie Triggers promotes responsible firearms ownership, the right to keep and bear arms, and the right to defense of family, self, and others. Our biggest goal is to provide the best information to our customers so they can make informed decisions on firearms. Top notch customer service is very important to us. We want our customers to come back and visit us again!