Dixie Triggers and FFL Transfers
The firearms market has changed. There are multiple online stores competing for customers through low prices and large availability. Federal law requires that local federal firearms license (FFL) holders perform the background check and paper for firearms purchases. This means that any online sale must go through a local FFL in what we call a transfer.
FFL Tranfsers a customer purchases a firearm through an online retailer. The retailer then ships the firearm to an FFL. The customer completes form 4473 (including a background check) at the local FFL and takes the firearm home. FFL holders normally charge for this service.
Please note that the FFL is not involved in the sale- just the transfer from the seller to the buyer.
FFL Transfers - what do we need?
FFL transfers are actually very simple and only take 10-15 minutes.
1) Purchase online. There are many reputable online retail stores. We have worked with Bud's Gun Shop, Gunbroker, GunsAmerica, Kentucky Gun Company, Palmetto State Armory, and CDNN Sports to list a few. For a more complete listing of online stores we recommend go to the Links page.
2) Email Dixie Triggers the info. Online retailers will email you a receipt. Please forward this to spanky@dixietriggers.com. We need from you: email and phone number of the seller, what firearm you are purchasing, and your name, phone number, and email address.
3) Wait for shipping. Once we get all the information from you and contact the seller it is up to the seller to ship the firearm. We have no control over this process.
4) Pickup the firearm. The firearm will be ready for pickup the day after the firearm arrives in the shop. When you arrive at the shop you will need to fill out form 4473, Dixie Triggers will perform the required FBI NICS background check, you pay the transfer fee, and (assuming the background check is approved) take your firearm home.
FFL Transfer Notes
Dixie Triggers will contact the seller or dealer and arrange for the exchange of the FFLs and confirm FFLs are valid. If Dixie Triggers cannot validate the seller or dealer's FFL Dixie Triggers will NOT complete the FFL transfer. If the customer does not supply us with the required information above, Dixie Triggers cannot complete the transfer.
It is illegal for the firearm to be shipped directly to a non-Federal Firearms Licensee, NO EXCEPTIONS.
All FFL transfers must be conducted here at the shop. Buyer is required to provide a valid Georgia Photo ID with current physical address (PO Box's are not accepted as physical address). If your physical address is not current on your ID then additional government documentation is required to show your current physical address. Your Georgia Weapons Carry License, Military Orders, etc are acceptable. Your power, cable TV or phone bill are not acceptable sources showing your physical address as per the BATFE regulations.
1) Buyer must complete a BATFE form 4473.
2) Buyer must be legally eligible to receive and own a firearm.
3) Buyer must pass a FBI NICS background check. The only exception to completing the FBI NICS Back ground check is if you posses a valid/current Georgia Weapons Carry License.
4) Buyer must be the original purchaser of the firearm. Please do not send your friend or other family member to pick up your firearm as Dixie Triggers will not complete the transfer to others.
5) Buyer will pay Dixie Triggers the FFL transfer fee.
When steps 1-5 are complete Dixie Triggers will transfer possession of firearm to the buyer. If the buyer is unable to pass or complete the steps 1-5, Dixie Triggers will NOT TRANSFER the firearm to the buyer, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Dixie Triggers is not the seller of the firearm, just offering a service to our customers. Any returns, refunds, disputes, or exchanges must be coordinated with the seller and any costs associated paid for in full by the buyer. Customers owe Dixie Triggers the FFL transfer fee when the firearm arrives, even if the customer refuses pickup or fails the background check.
Any firearms or product(s), regardless if serviced, special ordered, or purchased that are unclaimed 30 days after receipt will become the sole property of Dixie Triggers per shop policy.
Some firearms are not safe to operate due to poor engineering and substandard construction. Dixie Triggers will not transfer firearms made by: Hi-Point, Jimenez, Jennings, Bryco, Lorcin, Raven, and Pheonix.
To view our store policies please see our Contact Us page.
FFL Transfer Fees
All FFL Transfer fees must be payed in CASH!
$20.00 for the first firearm transfer
$35.00 minimum fee for Saturday appointments
$10.00 for each Additional firearm transfer at the same day and time
$10.00 for all firearm transfers for active duty military and local, state or Federal LE with valid ID.
$10.00 for all firearm transfers for Retired military or Veterans with valid ID.