This shop supports Senators Kelly
Loeffler and David Perdue in their elections to continue to be
Georgia’s Senators. These two people best represent the values and
morals of the citizens of the state of Georgia and will best
represent us in the national government. The runoff election on
January 5th may decide which party controls the US Senate
and has attracted the interest of people across the country. Money
from outside the state is flowing in from people who would use
Georgia to push agendas not in line with Georgia values.
the final year of the Obama administration a push was made to use the
State Department instead of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and
Firearms to set the definition of firearms manufacturing. This
change, if it had not been revoked by the Trump administration, would
have made the gunsmithing operations of this shop subject to business
killing and overly burdensome regulation by an agency that has no
business overseeing domestic firearm work.
If you support either Democrat candidate Jon Ossof or Rafael Warnock to represent the state of Georgia in the Senate, you are supporting regulations and ideas that would shut down this business and should find another firearms shop to do business with. If you do not plan to vote in the runoff or plan to vote for candidates other than Kelly Loeffler or David Perdue, we request that you wait until after the runoff election to conduct business with us.
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